Friday, December 30, 2011

Short Story ft.Curious

Paper & Pencil
By: Mosaic and Curious
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

There was once a lonesome fragile piece of paper floating aimlessly through the cruel world. Dumbfounded was he, confused of all other sliver like paper cuts seeming to have found a piece of led drawn to its surface. He was gloomy about his colored features, the color was dun, dull grayish-brown. Awaiting for the ultra violet stencil, so purely mannered, gazing upon hopeful wishes that seem so distractive, but a search for lustful consciousness keeps an open mind.

Time is inevitably irrelevant, none can escape times evil clutches, but then again none can catch times bounty of blissfulness. That's the thing about time, none can perceive the definite clairvoyance .  We are forever trapped in the mad endless cycle of harsh weathering, both mentally and physically scaring our ever being with the imprint of the sun's illumination and the nights blackening abyss.

Suppose the slivered dull paper had found his 'too good to be true' treasured dreamt stencil of purity and colorful blissfulness. He acceptably has nothing to offer but the blank lines bestowed upon his being from an inconclusive higher power, intellectually centrist. He learned to accept the fact about his dullness, and resent the opportunities he was given. With all this resentment he forgot how to search for a treasured love, or  the intoxicating smell of a freshly sharpened pencil. The sweet touch of dramatic cursives intriguing tranquility. Nor does he want to remember, cause abusive words carved so deep can't be saved by the best of erasers, but still a lonely life is no life at all.

So he continues wondering the skies carried by the forever drifting winds of this earth's reality. Lonely, he has the realization that he may never find true love and will forever be a burden to his own self evident being. Just a sliver in this reality, forever trapped in his abstract disillusion of mental pondering. His thoughts day by day are never adjacent to each other. An endless cycle of vigorous self contradicting. Portraying his uncertainty of the intricate universe that coils it's bear cold sobering hands around his mortal neck.

Until his aimless wondering of the skies above settled him in a place unknown to his prior knowledge. He lay on the ground for the first time in many moons. A cold breeze shifting the golden brown autumn fallen leaves around him. The night was cold and damp and chilled his being down to the microscopic fibers that intertwined to form the thin being he has always been entrapped in. The stars seemed more vibrant and luminous than usual. There were no clouds in the sky and the moon shown in its full confident light.

The wind shifts and gently blows the paper from the cold concrete that he had fallen on shortly before. Just as he thought that he would ascend on another departure to the skies above for a few more months or perhaps more, he got snatched up by the most gracious bird he had ever seen. He did not know why this bird took a liking to him, after all he was just a drowsy depressed piece of paper with no worth to a creature that elegant. The moons glow gleamed off its charcoal feathers. A shiny coat of quills warmed the birds inner being, protecting him from the nights bitter cold.

Suddenly the bird released his razor sharp talons that pierced a whole right through the surface of the astonishing piece of art not yet made a realization for the eye to depict. Fluttering in the night as the paper dropped to the ground, not taken afloat again because there was an absence of wind on this eccentric night. As the paper neared the ground it noticed something magnanimously peculiar.

A rubbery base attached to a petite spear made of wood and lead sharpened to a point. Like a creator of simple perplexity, it has carved many words into the souls of papers similar to his own. Had he found his one true golden love made of graphite, wood, and rubber. She was gorgeous, a number two was stamped near the green metal holding the eraser in place. This reassured the validity of the gorgeous creator of imagination.

The paper settled to the earth once again. This time it was nestled right next to the lovely pencil. The piece of paper admired the creator of fate, the builder of the future, the constructer of the past. He had waited his entire life for this one moment to come along and become part of his existence to this corrupt place he had drifted for most his life. The pencil was silent, in shock herself. They sat side by side, if only a truly evil minded human would perhaps stumble upon them and etch his own mental existence of imagination onto the paper. Then and only then could the paper find true happiness once and for all. Until that day, he would have to sit and wait with his thoughts like he had done his entire existence. But now, he had somebody to share his thoughts with, and somebody that could reflect her own thoughts unto his mind. And maybe, just maybe, they could one day find all of the answers of the universe together. 

Friends Talk (Fire&Ice) ft.Curious

Conversational Derelicts
By: Mosaic and Curious
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

C: The Dynamics of the shallow puddles are beginning to get too deep,
To make a deep ocean would be too expensive because phonetical raindrops aren't cheap,
M: Two stones lit a blaze on the ocean floors, deep within the magnetic core,
Chemically intertwined with nature's seeping pores, crust melts to form some more,
C: Water levels greatly rise to disrupt the current of the ocean,
Salt is gone, so the next ice age begins, causing a commotion,
M: Slow motion irritates the sparks lightening heat from a blue base,
Expanding the inconceivable brightness of nightly warm taste,
C: Ice melts into water and reacts with lightning to become stronger, then boils,
Water evaporates from the sun's rays, only to rain and nourish the soil,
M: Then the soil burns from the volcanic ash, raining down it's magnificence,
To recreate a new sinless party of natural herbs made to burn again in a new existence,
C: The new existence begins with the great Noah and his arc,
The flood will happen and everything will restart,
Only to be ruined again by a man and his icy heart,
M: The same heart powered with a burning passion to exceed others,
In their deceased form hellfire burns despicably, even betraying thy own brother,
C: I see the fiery gates of hell, completely freezing over,
The oceans of mishap will swell, and the devil will crash to the ground like a boulder,
M: The swelling puddle of god's tears expands and explodes to a furious sight,
Forcing the ground upwards to abandon arctic waters for a sun's light,
C: But the arctic makes the volcanoes existence vivacious,
The juxtaposition of hot and cold is what makes both gracious,
M: A cold day in hell chills the amber to a snowflake,
Not remembering the ancient death realistically fake,
C: The fires of hell rise up to diminish the beauty of heaven,
Heaven and hell coincide and time starts over when the clock strikes the final seven,
M: Fire and ice comes together to create water which is used for our survival,
The water sparks the creation of life needed for the Krebs cycle,
C: We are walking on thin ice just above the depths of hell,
And all the mysteries of the universe only god can unveil,
M: Wow, that's tight!                                                

Friends Talk ft.Curious

Conversational Outcasts
By: Mosaic and Curious
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

C: Matter cannot be made or destroyed,
So in this universe you have always filled a void,
M: As a nonexistent being never said to the soul,
I will always be forever in time as dun and dull,
C: You will never be dull because your existence is a perfect harmony,
And in your soul you posses a vast lyrical army,
M: But what is perfect? Is it to not just be yourself?
Or does the abnormal distress with truth bring a higher health?
C: Perfect is in everything, in every atom, in everybody,
It's the grass that's green, a person's thumb, and the stream that's muddy,
M: So to find a perfect love isn't so fairy tale as it seems,
To look past the insecurity or material objects you may find a true dream,
C: But love is just a chemical and all your nightly dreams are too,
And both windows can be seen through, if only you see me through,
M: One and one makes up two but that's only half a heart,
How do you find a missing piece and let it go? You'd be less than half smart,
C: Even if you do let the piece go, or it dies like the rest of the life flow,
It will forever be inside of you, and eventually you will die like a martyr too,
M: Two martyrs colliding to an impact that's so sensational,
Drives angels to their knees and ethereal demons emotional,
C: Dreamt up devils in disguise that despise their surroundings,
The martyrs lightning bolts of thought were sought only to witness the vibrant groundings,
M: The same futile place of the devils playground to which we were all born sinless,
To a life worshipping an unknown power gives meaning to a new existence,
C: The meaning of the new existence is unclear because the devil mocks the unknown power,
It's seeming that the playground is not sinless in which thousands are born every hour,
M: And every hour thousands are dying for a cause that's unseen,
Unknown for which none cares to see life's graceful delicacy,
C: I clearly see the future problem in the present because my vision is keen,
The problem in the present is the president upon the podium and in the presidency,
M: It's not how I perceive life it's how life perceives me,
Which ultimately changes my perspective on everything that is great to be,
So all I see is heavenly intricate divine abstract beauty.
C: Enough said!

Comfort In Death

Perspective in Destination
By: Mosaic
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

Laughter dies after a casualty inevitably falls in demise,
Consulting with the dead, never finishing last worldly cries,
Confused life improvised, eradication is unsteadily released,
Facing a grim passing to a paradise, parting lively, deceased,
Passing over quietus, beginning an everlasting end,
In the sleepless dream that expires reality for one to ascend,
For a better existence, heavenly unknown, forgiving peacefully,
From the darkened  tomb ending a departure of tragedy,
Fate for calamity, in the eyes of mortality, must be destiny,
Handwritten judgment's verdict that's a predetermined entity,
Never a retreat but a retirement, vaguely sought fortune,
Closing the curtains in a silent eternal rest, comes expiration,
 A downfallen annihilation gravely pursues bereavement,
In a souls breath concludes life's greatest achievement,
Disastrous destruction portions fixed foreordination,
Decree circumstanced to a cataclysmic future, predestination,
Entering an arrival of goodbyes savoring the cessation,
Dying, terminus is commencing, natural suffocation,
Misery fills the staggering amount of catastrophe,
Interrupting karma, judging kismet intricately.

Contradicting Reality

Indispensable Content
By: Mosaic
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

How things are incorporating imagination of a theory,
To a real world way in its realist being objecting validity,
Truth is tangibility and the name of the game substantive,
Nuts and bolts perceives the deceiving verity compulsive,
But a constructive matter has a material paradox,
An entities deed in brass tacks is genuinely the core crux,
A Palpable phenomenon's absolute solidity in its own presence,
To which perceptibility in actuality is a verisimilitude substance,
A sensible living animation is a fantasized world's vitality,
Facing the crusade through performance, exploiting reality,
Securing effectiveness meaning enforcement of purpose,
Purporting strength with a significance to influential worthlessness,
Drifting clout to force implementation onto the essence of bloody execution,
Vulgar sense of weight portraying the imprinted foot of a contribution,
Continuing life animations in durations, survival is permanence,
Structurally individual accomplishments after perseverance,
 A virtual spiritual de-rooting of the vein's property, lifting subsistence,
Breathing death's cards, one hand is dealt, worldly known continuance,
Name of natures game is being integrated into existing systems,
Backbone gains an abstract burden, characterized as innocent victims.

Complexity that's Situational

Gordian Knot
By: Mosaic
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

An attracted daze mortifies the cloud in embarrassment,
A disoriented discomfort provokes an unsettling harassment,
Deranged complication of confusion darkens the astonished,
Thrown off balance that renders uncertainly admonished,
Questioning my accomplished clutter, leaving energy astray,
Astounding faze fools a hoax, explaining trick puzzles that replay,
Fixated on frustration disconnects an involvement that's misleading,
Perplexity rattles the worry obscured, a craze discussed of reading,
Unhinge the amazed cloud, misinforming a mess up seems intriguing,
Portraying a trick overwhelming the blind, humiliates the witch,
Intricacy heightens complexity, expanding the worsened hood rich,
Crushing edification is irritating a pet peeve, multiplies dissatisfaction,
Why complicate aggressions intensity with augmented incarceration,
Well in fact infatuation inevitably results in unexplained enlightenment,
To confound a swindle deceives a con, disturbing the fish bowls excitement,
Disarranged bedevil entangles facilities that snag a fire,
Renders unintelligible, elaborate blueprints none shall acquire,
None shall interfuse waves raveling a mixed up handicap,
Interrelate disorders convoluting a nonplus assisted kidnap.

Relative Love

Arduous Blissfulness
By: Mosaic
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

Manifesting equilibrium with tranquility in harmony,
Disagreement of contradicting optimistic, star matrimony,
Beautifully  incarcerated, imprisoned mind with distress,
Only blind extraordinaires seek to find adoration to caress,
Instantly blessed, perfecting synonyms of devotion to infatuation,
Yearning idolatry, cherishing fidelity, respecting emotional delightment of affection,
Showing appreciation, amore desired attachment, feeling passionate,
Hankering good will, concerning predilection, regarding endearment,
Anticipating tenderness, propensity weakness for pleasure,
Reference to obedience, praise glorification, recognizing wonder,
Social affections admire delicate admiration and fondness,
Yearning more enthusiastic gallantry, a tender passionate kiss,
Heart attack, love sympathy is simply gyneolatry, amour dilation,
Swain captive, sweethearts adore inamorato, rapture inclination,
Darling flirt agapemone, young cavalier, servant to cupid,
Goddess near a seductive pandemic, sweet upon sapid,
Dearly beloved, dendrophilous like an erotic angel,
Engaging devoted ornithophilous, dear romantic aisle,
Precious hygrophilous flower, struck with beneficial nemophilous,
Rapturous charm, uxoriously unfaithful, emotional potamophilous,
Enchantingly fascinating, belovedly ardent, canonize the captivation,
Crazy for involving the fervor of a zeal, a relationship's strong satisfaction.