Thursday, January 19, 2012

Unexplainable Thought...

Incomprehensible Process
By: Mosaic
From: Dynamic Poets Crew

Raining strange attention deliberately unfathomable and inconclusive,
Incomprehensible considering derived contemplations that are illusive,
Puzzling logic hopes in studying inscrutable brainwork theorizations,
Mystifying unintelligible sphinx like inferring scrutiny, anticipating rationalizations,
Regarding induced speculation realizing the baffling clear ambiguous,
Indecipherable apprehension musing rumination evidently contiguous,
Unaccountably obscured knowing perceptive reflection deadpan plain mystic,
Understanding reasonably difficult cognition, unintelligible intuition portrays enigmatic,
Ideating unusual comprehension imagining envisage secrets oddly impenetrable,
Cerebration speculates vague opaque that's inexplicitly attendant and questionable,
Contemplating meditation debate, forethought cryptic muddy failure, equivocal,
Now mad cuckoo irritates irresponsibility, unsettling rave irrationally maniacal,
Touched wild senseless paranoia out of the mind of schizophrenic rage,
Psychotic rabid practices impracticality derailing fatuous of an unhinged cage.

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